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Evolution and Human Kinship
by Austin L. Hughes
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Results Evolution and Human Kinship
Evolution Kinship Ethics Evolution Morality Center But in 1954 when speaking to a group of female journalists she hinted at an evolutionary root for the love of nature “This affinity of the human spirit for the earth and its beauties is deeply and logically rooted” Carson wrote because “as human beings we are part of the whole stream of life” Evolution and Human Kinship 9780195052343 He tests the validity of kin selection theory in describing several aspects of human kinship from several unrelated data sets including sharing among kin the structure of family groups the emergence of stratified kin groups and kinship terminology The book is extremely well written and relatively easy to follow if you skim the mathy bits Evolution and Human Kinship This book attempts to create a grand theory of human social behavior by linking kin selection theory to the structure of human kinship The author proposes several formal mathematical tools to test such a link focusing in particular on principal components analysis but highlighting also social network analysis and deterministic models Evolution and human kinship Trends in Ecology Evolution Evolution and human kinship by Austin L Hughes Oxford University Press 1988 £2250 viii 162 pages ISBN 0 19 505234 X Evolution of Kinship and Gender Socio Kinship Gender and Human Evolution The term hominoid refers to a classification of primates Superfamily Hominoidea that includes apes and humans Within this class is the category hominid Family Hominidae which includes modern humans and their extinct ancestors Evolution and Human Kinship Austin L Hughes Oxford Human Rights Immigration Intellectual Property Law International Law IT Communications Law Jurisprudence Philosophy of Law Law Politics Law Society Legal System Practice Medical Healthcare Law Philosophy of Law Policing Property Law Study Revision Terrorism National Security Law Tort Law Trusts Law Media Law Series Blackstones Police Manuals Kinship Kinship system of social organization based on real or putative family ties The modern study of kinship can be traced back to mid19thcentury interests in comparative legal institutions and philology In the late 19th century however the crosscultural comparison of kinship institutions became the particular province of anthropology